after it started driving me too crazy not to, i've divided up my shop into two. not that you were worried, but it just looked cluttered to me. i was selling finished hair accessories, patterns to make them yourself, prints, digital files to print them yourself... oh, and some wreaths. pretty random. so i have kept " blossom & vine " for anything finished, tangible, shipped to you... and have opened " blossom & vine DIY " for printables and tutorials, anything emailed to you. that makes a lot more sense right? hope so! anyway, i wanted to preview some of the pretty things you can find in each place . you know, since christmas is less than 2 months away... lots and lots of prints that are ready to ship , like these ones: and this great deal, where you can get 2 8x10s or 3 5x7s for only $15 [this deal only applies to the plain-color-background-with-white-text designs though. since i have SO many of them, i'm trying to purge...