Sweet sweet Reese... I'm writing this on May 23, 2010. It's not quite ON your birthday, but the idea just came to me that I should write you a "letter" each year of your life {and we DID just have your birthday party yesterday, so it's not too far off!}. Your turning one has been absolutely surreal for me. On one hand, I feel like time has flown by and I can't believe you're *already* ONE! On the other hand, when I think about how much I LOVE you, I can't believe I've *only* known you for ONE year!?! It seems like you've always been here, and I can't remember life before you. I had a flashback recently of bringing you home from the hospital. This whole thing was new- for BOTH of us! But we're quick learners :) You started sleeping through the night at 12 weeks old. It could have been sooner, but I didn't have the heart to put you in your crib! The first night in your crib = 12 hours straight. You are the definition of "sleeping...