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my baby is one.

Sweet sweet Reese...

I'm writing this on May 23, 2010. It's not quite ON your birthday, but the idea just came to me that I should write you a "letter" each year of your life {and we DID just have your birthday party yesterday, so it's not too far off!}.

Your turning one has been absolutely surreal for me. On one hand, I feel like time has flown by and I can't believe you're *already* ONE! On the other hand, when I think about how much I LOVE you, I can't believe I've *only* known you for ONE year!?! It seems like you've always been here, and I can't remember life before you. I had a flashback recently of bringing you home from the hospital. This whole thing was new- for BOTH of us! But we're quick learners :) You started sleeping through the night at 12 weeks old. It could have been sooner, but I didn't have the heart to put you in your crib! The first night in your crib = 12 hours straight. You are the definition of "sleeping like a baby"!!

You have been observant from the beginning. You notice *everything* and I can't easily distract you! You learn quickly and remember things very well. You get frustrated if you can't figure out how to open something or manipulate it the way you want to. You start whining, but you also won't let me take it from you to show you how to use it correctly! You are VERY determined, even at one year old, to do things yourself and to do them quickly and correctly!

You are literally the most gorgeous baby I've ever seen. I cannot go out in public without being stopped at least ten times for people to ooo and ahh at you. Everyone tells me how beautiful and happy and cute you are! And they're right! You wave and say "hi" to complete strangers. You laugh at jokes, and play games to make me laugh :) You are the true definition of JOY. I love that about you!

My prayer is, and has been since before you were born, that you would accept Jesus as your personal Savior as soon as you understand the sacrifice that He made in your place. From that point, my prayer is that you would recognize the power of the Holy Spirit living in you {this is SO important, and I believe it's something that most Christians live their entire lives without really understanding or "taking advantage" of}. That you would live your life completely poured out, so that the literal spirit of the Living God can move and breathe through you. I pray that you would be His hands and feet to seek out and serve others with a sacrificial, unconditional, undiscriminating, Christ-like love. I know that is a large order... And I know that it will only be possible through constant prayer, and through my own example. I recognize my role as your mother, and as the one who will show you how to love God and love others. I thank God everyday for this privilege, and I fall on my knees daily to ask Him to make me worthy of it. It is my honor to teach and guide you as you grow in the knowledge and love of God and people. You are the most important and highest calling that God has given me and I pray for strength and wisdom, that I'm able to fulfill it to the best of my human ability.

Thank you for the best year of my life! I pray that there will be many many more to come.


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